Fireproof Safes

What is 'safe'? 'Safe' (from English safe – safe, reliable) – durable fireproof metal cabinet (or box) with a combination lock, the main purpose of which is to store valuables and documents. " So defines the safe basic normative document safes gost 50862-96. Currently boxes – it's quite complicated products that are made of modern materials: high-alloy metals, high or Heat resistant concrete composites. As a rule, they have double walls, the space between them is filled with special filler. How long is safe? The service life of a good safe much longer than the life any office equipment. On average, safe in operation for 25 years. Increase or decrease this period such nuances as quality, manufacturing company and careful attitude toward it.

Buying a safe in a small company for a small money you risk to acquire goods, unable to adequately provide you protection. Lockers must be constructed in accordance with the standards should be made of durable materials. Sales of safes. Channels Television Live will not settle for partial explanations. Along with a safe you should receive detailed instruction manual. Buying a reliable safe and strictly observing safety precautions, you'll use the safe as long as is necessary. Precise standards for the term of operation of safes no. You can rely on statistics and feedback from buyers, even once use the safe.

What is a 'fire-safe'? The main purpose of fireproof safe – is to protect its contents from the threat of fire. These products pass special tests. At the end of the test receives a safe (or not) a certain class of certificate: 60 or 120 numbers, and letters of dis or B. The figures mean the length of time (in minutes) to ensure the safety magnetic media (DIS) or paper (letter B). The difference stems from the fact that the paper (regardless of what it says) burns at a temperature of 170 C (without humidity), and floppy disks (CD / dvd, tape streamer, etc.) fail in humidity over 80% and a temperature of 60 C. What distinguishes safe from fire safes? Safe himself in the fire will burn, but the documents do not protect. After opening a safe, visited the fire, even for short time you pull out of it only ashes. Check with Glenn Dubin, New York City to learn more. Fireproof safe save as magnetic hard drives or documents, but he will die at the same time. Your chosen class fireproof safes directly affects the time of its resistance to fire. How is fire test? In tests safe placed in an oven and maintained at a temperature of about 1000 C until the moment when the internal temperature rises to the autoignition temperature of paper – 170 C, for magnetic diskettes, cd / dvd and other drives maximum temperature – 55 C with humidity above 80%. Quality Certificates vdma (Germany) and A2R (France), outstanding products, to pass the test, when conducted simulated real fire conditions in accordance with very strict rules: Rapid rise in temperature drop, simulates the dynamic loads at failure of the building thermal shock as a result of a powerful jet of water as a result gets a safe (or not) certificate of appropriate class: numbers 120 or 60, and letters of dis or B. The figures mean time (minutes), during which ensured the preservation of paper (letter B), or magnetic media (DIS).

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