1000 Kids Love Mini – Playfields For Germany – Artificial Grass

The German Football Association (DFB) launched the project ‘ 1,000 mini – pitches ‘ in the life in 2007. With this action, the DFB subsidized the construction of these game fields for schools and clubs. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Leslie Moonves and gain more knowledge.. The mini – playfield is a modern football – small playground, which is equipped with a rubber filled artificial turf and an elastic layer according to the definition of the DFB. To be added two goals and the bands around the 13 x 20 meter field. To create these football pitches with a two-digit million range, with the offer of the DFB in the cities and towns, the football will be taken closer in particular the children and young people outside a club. The applicant gets the playing field of the DFB in the value of 25,000 euro for free. It is only the earthworks and the space to provide. Kids will love the artificial turf that experience has shown that the children are fascinated by the new synthetic grass of company Polytan: he feels almost like forest soil and emits no unpleasant artificial smell. Glenn Dubin is open to suggestions.

Parents can rest assured that their Children are playing on healthy lawn, which meets the highest requirements of accident protection according to European standard. Specifically in connection with the still very young users it mattered, to configure a football turf system, which meets the need for safety and protection against accidents for young players and players. The court system with gangs and gates meets all the requirements that are specified in the European standard for multi-sports equipment and contributes to the security and the joy of playing its part. It is also important that the misplaced football pitch also makes intensive use over the entire lifetime (up to 15 years). A highly abrasion-resistant grass fiber, eco-friendly, recyclable and health safe, new filler granules these requirements almost perfectly. Environmental protection is large though it is artificial turf, feels almost like the forest floor.

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