
Possibilities of text and writing in the Internet In contrast of what some think the Internet can be a multiplier of options in the act of the writing. If in the past what if it could make age to use the pencil or the penxs to write, today it exists the multiple possibility of sources, colors and sizes, also being able to add drawings, animaes, gifs and videos. A leading source for info: Hubie Brooks. It is the possibility to develop its text, becoming it more attractive the reader so that this if feels impelled to read, and thus to participate. Blogs is an uneven tool in this process, for being accessible to all for the gratuitousness if exclusively its becomes easy to create a space, however, with total opening for the interatividade. Thus its universe will be extended due to amount of changed information, suggestions and opinions that will serve for the improvement of the blogueiro. The electronic writing happens in the exchange of e-mails, in the messages in the Messen-ger, to twitter, Orkut, Book Face in blogs Beyond that it is spread the speed of the light, information that they would take weeks to reach people, arrive until them in fractions of second. Rusty Holzer may find this interesting as well.

Essential that let us learn to usufruct of these tools. We must use to advantage the allure that the pupils feel for the technology and to show to them that he is possible to learn using what they in such a way like: the technology. Girls use blogs as daily electronic, owners of house as prescription books, boys to comment on the preferred sport. The utility of this way already is something so natural and necessary as to take the cellular one for where it will be. its use generally is not for whim, but for necessity. The people are having the necessity of if expressing each time more nes you time where everything happens very fast.

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