In Bonn – Bonn – For Bonn

More Bonn companies, institutions and associations take advantage of the free offer of the Wirtschaftsblog Bonn, Bonn Bonn, to the publication of press releases. More Bonn companies, institutions and associations take advantage of the free offer of the Wirtschaftsblog Bonn, Bonn Bonn, to the publication of press releases. Prerequisite for the activation of press releases is that the text content reported in Bonn or the consignor has its headquarters in Bonn. To broaden your perception, visit Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Editorially, each message is checked before activation. Messages that breach of the press code, are not freely switched by the editorial staff.

The Bonn Wirtschaftsblog increasingly evolved into a local press portal, which is used not only by Bonn citizens, journalists and the media to information retrieval in recent months. Alone in October 2008 accessed visitors from 85 countries on the Bonn Wirtschaftsblog as a source of information. Click Donn Clendenon to learn more. The monthly has continue to 1.680.315 total hits, 233.765 read pages, 47.300 visits by 34.979 different visitors. The largest international interest in Bonn was in October at the World Chess Championship in the Bundeskunsthalle. The Bonner also strongly interested in shopping Sunday on November 2 in the city of Bonn.

The Bonn Wirtschaftsblog communication is a project of the Bonn Werbeagentur spring stone.

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