Conny Mendez

Sounds that heal by the hertz that emit, Mantras, transcendental meditation. For even more analysis, hear from Walt Disney. Cats. It is that you reading one of the books of header not aparto de mi. CBS may not feel the same. Depak Chopra Dr. quantum healing, in the last chapter appears one of their patients who made a remission from bone cancer with the practice of the TM, transcendental meditation, visualizations, medicine ayurveda, among other things that were very enriching and endurable much more than traditional Western medicine, such as chemotherapy, radiation, to which the patient had already rejected and was very determined to leave. As it came detailed meditation and wanted to know that was, I started to order books of all meditations that are practiced in the India and which are based on the traditions vedas.

At the end is transcendental meditation, which consists of mantras, replicates very practiced by the monks of the Tibe and also in the so-called Gregorian chants, continued my research reading studies that have been conducted in three universities in the United States by neurologists, and cardiooogos, crybaby with results of clinical trials very beneficial for human beings in the process of cure, heal, or lead a life with better health, since the sounds are of great importance. Discoveries that give a contrast with real things, and who really can come to feel in our organism. Everything in the universe is so well positioned and perfect as you said the great metaphysical Conny Mendez, in his book the number seven. seven days a week has, seven months of gestation so that may be an individual, seven are musical notes, seven primary colors that make up the arco iris, and so we could continue mentioning much more, but we are going to stop us in the sounds of the musical notes. They are vibration frequencies, when we say: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si is a scale that is situated in different octaves, where his voice place, high, medium or low, they emit frequencies that vibrate not only outward, but towards our human body, where there are tissues to repair some cracks and tears need a quantity of greater than the frequency of 50 hertz, fractured bones are not repaired by plaster or plaster, that only it is immobilised, not repaired because the bone cell has the ability to weld and reproduce alone, creating a membrane called periosteum that ignitesIt produces pain, when it is in the process of regeneration, but if we don’t give it a soothing anti-inflammatory that interrupts this process of restoration, the pain disappears and restores tissue. .

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