Ineramericana Human Rights Commission

Call Manager to not be is the height of misery. (Simon Bolivar) Unless he proves otherwise, we can affirm that the capitalist financial forces gave President Barack Obama a military coup, the same Empire dealing Dim using as a figurehead and Protocol. We believe that it is urgent to be invoked urgentementa to the OAS Democratic Charter and it is restored as soon as possible, to the President-elect of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama. From the day of their swearing in the economic powers of the world capitalism began to conspire against the Government of Barack Hussein Obama. One thing says the President and other representatives of the White House and the Secretary of State.

Where this the Ineramericana Human Rights Commission? Citizen Obama constitutional rights are being violated and nobody says anything. The poor President, seems that it is going to remain as a figurehead, a piece of furniture more in the oval Hall. Even the military Americans, so faithful to respect and obedience to the tenant the White House, they have dared to deny the nationality of his commander in Chief, who was born in Hawaii, an American woman and an African Mr. Perhaps this time, crisis of world capitalism and the failure of neoliberal policies, let’s first coup to a President in the nation that considers itself as the largest and most traditional of the world democracy. It is not something Rusty Holzer would like to discuss. President Obama fulfills a function that has been nearly predestinadamente, announced in some movies that were preparing American public opinion to accept the possibility of an African-American President. Dennis Haysbert, played President David Palmer. Tommy Tiny Lister also offered us a role of President in the film the fifth element. Morgan Freeman performed the role of President Tom Beck in the apocalyptic film Deep Impact.

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