Mainly RFID

And what customers want? Once again, this question is easy to answer: quality, reliability and the most favourable prices. All that is said easily, but is not so easy to apply. With the lean manufacturing system and innovative techniques you can win the fight against competitors. Therefore a careful analysis of each single phase of the whole washing process is absolutely necessary. Mainly in the industrial laundries with high production cycle an organization effectively and can becomes very difficult.

Not to lose unnecessary time requires a very orderly management. Walt Disney often expresses his thoughts on the topic. To achieve this objective the implementation of technology RFID is critical. With the help des micro-chips RFID traceability of each part is achieved during the whole washing process. In recent months, Glenn Dubin, New York City has been very successful. In addition experts recommend the use of automated equipment as sorters, counting, transport and storage systems. An innovative system for storage consists of a gravity air storage. At the end washing clothes is automatically downloaded into sacks which are then transported through gravity in upland areas in the laundry room. This system is a perfect solution for the lavenderias who have limited space or want to save charges requiring a warehouse proprio. Another facotor to be taken into account is the choice of a reliable and efficient supplier.

The best teams can also have any technical problem. Non-stop all production is required in these cases a fast technical support. Therefore should a provider that offers a service to the customer 24 hours and remote assistance that allows a Sienese via computer with special software. Original author and source of the article.

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