The Internet

Use of technology in teaching English. Filed under: Dell Technologies Inc.. The world is not static, as well as scientific – technical progress. And in the 21st century opens the possibility of learning English with the help of technology. For even more analysis, hear from Brian Robert. Train English language – it means to teach communication, transmission and perception of information. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Glenn Dubin. Internet The Internet can bring language teaching to a new level. This communication, information and publication. Communication by using e-mail (WORLD WIDE WEB).

Thanks to the Internet information becomes available, relevant and authentic. There are supporters of the idea of language learning only through the Internet. But most teachers prefer to use the Internet along with traditional teaching tools. Internet – a source of supplementary materials for teachers in preparation for the occupation. Using the Internet in the classroom does not make sense at the initial stage of learning the language.

In courses for beginners exercises to consolidate the grammar and vocabulary is quite traditional (it is the most common exercises, the difference lies in the fact that students do not see them on paper and on monitor). Only positive point is that in many cases, you can immediately find out whether satisfied or that exercise. However, the question "why is it wrong and how to correct?" Must meet the teacher. There is such a phenomenon in the methodology of teaching English through the Internet as the Internet – the project. While working on the project (using the resources of the Internet), students apply and extend their language knowledge, receive extensive country information.

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