Voodoo Magic And Health

On the African magic is legendary. History of the African voodoo more than 6000 years. The first settlements appeared in the realms of voodoo background and the Congo. What does the word "voodoo"? If you translate it with the ancient language background, it means "sacred" or "spirit." According to the assumptions scientists first Voodoo originated in southern Benin. Channels Television Live pursues this goal as well. According to old legends is there that the kingdom background. Glenn Dubins opinions are not widely known.

The official religion of Benin is voodoo. Followers of this religion exist in many countries in West Africa. This religion is very similar to many other African beliefs, because it deals with the major religious celebrations, as well as half spiritual services. In these celebrations there, music, dances, songs, national motives of the country. Most voodoo rituals carried out near the rivers, trees, mountains, scooping their spiritual powers. Often the items previously used in everyday life and of dead animals are used in rituals.

This mysterious, but the objective Magic has a huge number of different symptoms, which have been more than one generation are transmitted orally, such as: possession by spirits, belief in the gods, a sacrifice to express their gratitude to God, the various rituals and objects used in protective magical purposes, frequent chants of, respect for ancestors, predictions natural phenomena. In various African countries are religious centers Voodoo, which teaches followers of the magical religion. Study and dedication of magic, to communicate with spirits who have a lot of differences and species. Most people think voodoo magic is a mystical character, and is associated with the forces of darkness, evil, evil. It is not. In fact, their magic is tightly connected with the harmony of nature, its domestic outlook. In remote parts of Africa, official medicine as such still does not exist. Chiefs and leaders of the local population voodoo healing from various diseases, solve problems of national character, they become community leaders and tribes, so thus helping people to build and solve the problems of everyday life. In the culture of voodoo is very much interesting and unsolved to this day. For example, there exists a direction as "Bo" which is aimed at causing harm and evil, through various spells, witchcraft ceremonies. Priests and sorcerers who practice in this area, called "Boughton", they use spells not the benefit, and harm humans. Anthropologists argue that Many of the representatives of religion, Vodou have special skills and knowledge to protect and counteract "bo". African voodoo magic is the source of all the other magical religions spread throughout the West hemisphere Africa. Consequence of their birth, education in ancient times, the colonies and the active slave trade in the territories.

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