
The social recognition of the women as ' ' beings pensantes' ' it was and it continues being a challenge for the balance in the sort relations. As much in the pertaining to school contents as in the curricular gratings of the universities is clear the content absence that deal with the women while philosophers even though, being scarce the references on the knowledge of the life and workmanship of these thinkers. With this, it is possible to easily verify the depreciation of the women in the academic life and its participation in the history of the construction of the knowledge. In this direction, we can evidence one reduced valuation of the women in the academic life and its participation in the history of the construction of the knowledge. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Rusty Holzer. The way as the philosophers, in general, treats the woman when passing of the centuries, discloses a disdain clearly to the feminine being; however, although the discrimination of the women in the philosophical field, is possible to notice that throughout the history of the philosophy, many women if had detached as beings pensantes that had cultivated to know and knowledge. Despite the woman has been rejected in the history of the philosophy, thematic ' ' mulher' ' she was boarded for many philosophers. Mythology Greek detaches the women representing them in the figure of its goddesses: rtemis, Atena, Afrodite, Demter, Hera, Persfone, Pandora and Gaia, despite intelligence and the thought are symbolized by the Atena goddess, it is important to remember that this was not born for the body of its mother and yes of the head of its father, Zeus, what it evidences since the beginning that the woman already did not have no value. It history to combine ideas, to form thoughts, always was judged a pertinent right to the men, but with as much discrimination the women had exactly obtained to guarantee a small participation of the women in the academic life. .

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