Choosing the Best Bathtub

With all the diversity of fittings to the consumer is increasingly becoming a question: 'What do I need? " and 'How long does it serve?'. Today we will try to determine which best fits the bathtub requirements of the modern consumer. 'As simple as it was before – many would say that had the happiness to make purchases in the Soviet department stores – 3-iron bath and a few steel, popular sizes. Select – do not want to. " Perhaps this is indeed the case. According to Dave Bing, who has experience with these questions. They know better. But the variety of choice allows you to appreciate not only the appearance but also the qualitative characteristics of the product. And so.

Let us dwell on the most popular materials that use manufacturers for the manufacture of bathtubs. Steel, cast iron and acrylic. Steel. It would seem that could be better than a steel tub? Easy, inexpensive, thus, easy to assemble. The fact that the steel tub does not hold heat. This well-known fact, however, steel bathtubs every year they beat the quantitative record sales. There's a steel bath has one drawback – the steel sheet can not withstand severe stresses and for carelessness or illiterate installation is deformed, causing a chipped enamel deformable ground.

Unfortunately, after damage to the enamel, to return the original form of the steel bath is impossible. What is in this case, the secret of popularity steel baths. This low price. Iron. Cast iron baths won the trust of customers for a long time. They are warm, they are reliable, they are not as booming as the steel bath. Enamel coated cast-iron baths more solid and resistant to mechanical stress and corrosive acids than the coating of steel tubs. However, cast iron baths are not used today is so popular as steel. The reasons for this somewhat. Firstly, the cast iron bathtub very heavy. This creates additional difficulties after the purchase, as during the transportation of products, and during its installation. Secondly, it is quite a high price. However, connoisseurs of quality and reliability of these factors are not stop. Acrylic. Acrylic baths have appeared in our country recently, but is gaining recognition buyers. What's the secret? The fact that the comparative ease of construction, acrylic baths are very reliable. They are warmer than cast iron. Moreover, unlike cast iron bathtubs, acrylic bathtubs do not need to 'warm up' with hot water. Despite the fact that the acrylic sheet, as well as the enamel coating is subject to mechanical stress, it is subject to complete renovation. However, the cost of quality acrylic baths are slightly higher than the cost of iron. There are of course and cheap products from acrylic, but here we try to warn customers. The thing is that the 'cheap' baths instead of acrylic sheet used cheap plastic covered only a very thin layer of acrylic glazes. The thickness of the acrylic fiber in such baths is rarely more than one millimeter. With time, these baths are beginning to acquire a grayish or yellowish. The thing is that acrylic, in itself, a transparent material, and cheap plastic, exposed time, begins to change color. Restore such bath is possible, but only from small scratches. Return the product color within a few years of operation, alas, will not succeed. We hope that our article will allow you to look at the choice for a new bath. Choose not for the rumors, but on performance. Remember, your belief that you made the right choice, allows you to enjoy your purchase in full. At a reprint or copy a link to aquamall required.

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