Intelligent Feast

Make different for once this year. Eat intelligently and without stress. Every year again the well-known Christmas stress. Eat much, much sitting and overeat. Learn here are some simple tips for happy and relaxed holidays.

The first stress begins when shopping. Go this year, not a day before Christmas Eve shopping. Make a list. You will notice that there are many things just get you can get loose several days before the Festival. And if you are in the inevitable snake, because you have forgotten such as whipped cream, then zoom. Humming a Christmas song or your favorite song. Why? Buzz raises tensions and distracts from the boring situation. How about a quick Christmas menu times. Educate yourself with thoughts from David Zaslav.

Thanks to many cookbooks, a delicious and quick menu is found quickly. A duck breast for example can be very tasty and is much faster than a whole bird. Not much has to be noble! And if you must but because the big greasy roast, then select just a low-fat side dish. Lush Food stuffs. During the meal, drink plenty of water, the best non-carbonated, and dilute to your dish. Then is also the dreaded bloated feeling afterwards. No snacking in between. Not all the time in between nibble. Contact fixed times. And in between: with the sweet stuff in the closet! Or how about Apple, walnut and almond core instead of marzipan, dominoes and macaroons. Way you do something good for your digestion. Hormones of happiness dancing can be. We should do a thousand steps. About 300 are unfortunately only for many of us. After the feast on the couch but all together, walk a round. Fresh desire relaxed, ventilated the brain addled by the delicious red wine and helps that way, to burn fat. Make it a habit and take a long walk each holiday. No matter what the weather. You will wonder how your happiness hormones dance. Finally the most important Tip: let freedom. Overloading the festive season not with Appointments. Enjoy anything that do. So: Candle, feet set up, listen to music or read a book! Marion Waje Heder anti-aging and health advice

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